Friday, May 23, 2014

South Middle School Chromebook Cohort Group is Great!

I have had the pleasure of working with a great group of teachers this year at South Middle School. When we learned that South was going to receive sets of Chromebooks, the following teachers volunteered to be part of the Cohort Group: Mary Ann Botte, Kurt Melvin, Ezana Negash, Cassie O'Connor, Sharon Sanita, Chris Welch, and Shayna Wood.

These teachers agreed to attend training in order to be able to prepare for using Chromebooks with their students. We started meeting weekly before school in order to learn more about the functions of the Chromebooks and using Google Apps.

The Chromebooks were delivered to the classrooms in early March. The teachers started using them right away with the students who had returned their Chromebook Contracts. The students were engaged in the work and enjoyed having digital devices. For the classrooms that had previously had netbooks, the teachers and students found the Chromebooks to be much faster.

Intro to Chromebooks Google Presentation

We continued to meet some as a group and some individually. It was great for me to see the work and engagement that taking place in the classrooms. These teachers have done a fantastic job, and I wanted to share some of their work.

Samples of Work

Shayna Wood - 7th Grade Literacy

Chris Welch - 8th Grade Social Studies

Sharon Sanita - 8th Grade Math

Cassie O'Connor - 7th Grade Science

Ezana Negash - 8th Grade Literacy

Kurt Melvin - 8th Grade Science

Mary Ann Botte - 7th Grade Social Studies

Click on the site link to view more work completed by the SMS Chromebook Cohort Group.

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